Fix in progress for WBIR high definition/satellite problem


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Fix in progress for WBIR high definition/satellite problem

If you've been watching the Olympics or WBIR's other programming on our high-definition channel, you may have noticed an intermittent signal.

The problem extends to viewers with satellite service.

It's not your set at home--an equipment issue at WBIR is causing an intermittent signal to go out over 10.1, the high-definition channel. This problem is affecting both over-the-air and cable high-definition programming.

Satellite providers like DirecTV and Dish Network use the 10.1 signal to provide both high-definition and normal programs. As a result, WBIR's signal will be intermittent for all satellite customers in the WBIR viewing area.

If you're watching on the typical, analog channel--there's no problem.

For those of you waiting on a high-definition signal or a consistent satellite signal, we want you to know we're working hard on the problem.

Some replacement parts are on the way, and we hope to have progress to report tomorrow morning. In the meantime, the analog, over-the-air signal is still going strong.
