Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD the other factor?


New member
I have been reading about this whole deal with universal getting paid to go with HD-DVD. The Micheal Bay says its really Microsoft that is trying to confusing things (and doesn't want anybody to win). Which isn't true, Microsoft needs a High Def Format for its next Video Gaming Console. There is one thing that people are missing! Home High Def. Once somebody can make an affordable Burner for High Def Video well Win this format Or sure push it a head. If I could get a home HD-DVD burner for even 150 and HD-DVD discs for $2 a disc! (even if they made RW HD-DVD) People would start to buy it! I would start to use it! Same with Blu-Ray! I think they have a drive for $300? Once the burner is ready for home use! Everybody well want to put there home movies on that format! Thats what is going to help it win!Thats the point... With the Just Movie studio's battleing it out, its going to be this way for a while. But lets say Tomorrow Sony or Toshiba? come out with a $100 High Def Burner for your computer. It can burn DVD's burn CD RW. Lets say for the time it can only Burn High-def (ether Blu-ray or HD-DVD) don't you think if those started to sell that would have just as much of an impact on the who wins! Not which movie comes out in which format! Its not which Format I can Burn MY movies too. If the drive starts to sell (and burnable disks) This would further the cause more then a movie!


New member
I think that Blu-Ray has already lost no matter what. Many of the big movie studios like Paramount, Universal, and Dreamworks have already pushed their support for only HD-DVD while the Blu-Ray is being held up by Fox and Sony, with Time Warner supporting both formats (though it's actually biased towards HD-DVD's).


New member
We will be apart of a format war for at least another year or so. I am not sure where people are getting HD-DVD has all this hollywood support though. Paramount ( not Universal) has the 18-month deal to do HD-DVD but then after that they have plans on doing dual formating again last I checked. And as a trivial piece of knowledge, the Home Theatre Specialists of America announced it's support of the Blu-Ray as the next-generation of choice. Mind you that the big pusher behind HD-DVD is Microsoft because of it's software ties to the HD-DVD format. Blu is supported by director's, studios, and independant associations not directly affiliated with Sony.