
  1. Energizer

    [General Question?] I want some FREE benchmark software recommendations

    I'm looking for some benchmark software, is one of them someone could recommend what I should use other than the 3DMark programs. It would be better if they were free too.
  2. Energizer

    [Solved] 3DMark06 error: IDirect3DDevice9::Present failed: Device lost (D3DERR_DEVICELOST)

    I just bought a brand-new video card for my computer, came in the mail yesterday. I got a MSI GeForce GTX 670 card at a decent price. Problem is I want to compare it with my old video card (GeForce 9800 GT), so wanted to run 3DMark 2006 to have a direct comparison of my performance gain. I know...
  3. Energizer

    [Question?] The AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition or The AMD FX-8120 BE

    I'm considering an upgrade, I just want to know what processor would be the best for my needs? I do a lot of gaming, a little bit of video encoding for my home 1080i video camera. The AMD Phenom II X6 1100T BE is approximately $200 The AMD FX-8120 BE is approximately $150 Thanks
  4. the doctor

    ECB could cut benchmark rate (AP)

    AP - The European Central Bank could step up its efforts against Europe's debt crisis by cutting interest rates on Thursday for the second time in five weeks, and by extending longer-term loans to ease financial pressure on struggling banks. More...
  5. No Warranty

    TSX, loonie rebound after bleak Tuesday

    The Canadian dollar and Canada's benchmark stock index both rebounded from heavy losses Tuesday to post modest gains on Wednesday. More...
  6. T

    How to benchmarking routers and switches?

    does any one know anything about routers and switches benchmarking organizations or their benchmarks?? Anyone know how to benchmarking routers and switches I am searching for benchmarking software for a network.
  7. No Warranty

    Firefox 5 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Firefox 5 RC Updates Version Number and Little Else Firefox 5 Should have been Firefox 4.02! Firefox 5.0 Update Arrives in Official Ubuntu Repositories Attention Firefox 4.x users - Firefox 5.0 is your security update Firefox 5 released, arrives only three months after Firefox 4 Firefox 5...

    Wall Street extends rally to 4th day on economy, Greece

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks advanced for a fourth straight day on Thursday in an end-of-quarter rally that was boosted by a surprisingly strong economic report covering the U.S. Midwest. Major indexes rose, including the benchmark S&P 500, which climbed above its 50-day moving average at...
  9. No Warranty

    OPEC leaves output on hold, causing oil price jump

    OPEC unexpectedly left its production levels unchanged on Wednesday, causing oil prices to jump, as senior officials said their meeting ended in disarray — a stunning admission for an organization that places a premium on consensus decision making. OPEC officials said that because of a policy...
  10. No Warranty

    Jobs and factory slowdown add to recovery fears

    Reuters – A customer counts his cash at the register while purchasing an item at a Best Buy store in Flushing, … By Leah Schnurr Leah Schnurr – 33 mins ago NEW YORK (Reuters) – Companies hired far fewer workers than expected in May and output in the manufacturing sector slowed to its lowest...
  11. No Warranty

    Clinton to press Pakistan to cooperate

    Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the Pakistani president on Friday as part of a push to repair the relationship with Islamabad in the wake of a U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is accompanying...
  12. E

    AUSTIN, Texas – Lance Armstrong is adding two lawyers to his legal team who previously won a major legal victory against federal investigators in a do

    U.S. stocks rose for a second day on Thursday in a choppy session, with technology and consumer discretionary stocks leading the way after upbeat earnings. Sellers crowded around the S&P 500's 50-day moving average for a third day. The level, now just above 1,328, is gaining strength as...
  13. No Warranty

    Capital Health bans Tim Hortons doughnuts

    Doughnuts will disappear from Tim Hortons shops at Halifax-area hospitals this fall. The Capital District Health Authority said Friday the move will help patients, staff and visitors make healthier choices. Muffins that don't meet the Capital District Health Authority's healthy food guidelines...
  14. No Warranty

    Energy and transport hit as fires sweep north Alberta

    Cenovus Energy Inc is expected to suspend production at a large oil field in northern Alberta on Monday after wildfires that have swept Canada's biggest energy-producing province forced the complete closure of a newly repaired pipeline. Forest fires, which flared up quickly during a dry, windy...
  15. No Warranty

    Energy and transport hit as fires sweep north Alberta

    Cenovus Energy Inc is expected to suspend production at a large oil field in northern Alberta on Monday after wildfires that have swept Canada's biggest energy-producing province forced the complete closure of a newly repaired pipeline. Forest fires, which flared up quickly during a dry, windy...
  16. D

    How is the Core i7 840 M almost 500 points faster than the 820 M?

    I was looking through benchmarks and noticed that the Core i7 840 received a much higher benchmark than the 820! I thought all Intel did was overclock the 820 M! What gives? Even the 740 M is rated higher than the 820 M. Does clock frequency make that much of a difference?I know what a higher...
  17. D

    What can the AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GH be compared to?

    What can the "AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GH" be compared to in terms on intel processors?
  18. A

    What’s the difference between AMD & Intel Core Duo Processors?

    Of AMD & Intel Core Duo Processors which one is more advanced and which one is better?
  19. S

    What's the difference between amd and intel chips?

    I've recently purchased a dell desktop with intel as the processing chip. However, when i compared the price of the desktop of an intel chip with amd chip there was a big difference in price. i was wondering if anyone can tell me the difference between the amd and the intel chip, as well as...
  20. Beavis

    Crysis Sli Problems.

    So i have 2 8800GTS cards in sli i ran the crysis benchmarking tools and im only getting the speed of 1 card.The average fps score was 29.62 fps on 1680-1050 all set to very high now thats the exact score i got before i enabled sli so im confused.Same result when play game 2.People keep saying i...