
  1. the doctor

    Gunmen kidnap 2 Americans and an Egyptian in Sinai (AP)

    AP - Gunmen intercepted a tourist minivan and snatched two female American tourists at gunpoint, along with their Egyptian tour guide Friday near St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, the region's security chief said. More...
  2. No Warranty

    Mubarak, sons face criminal trial in August

    Cairo (CNN) -- The criminal trial for Hosni Mubarak and his two sons has been scheduled for August 3, the attorney for the former Egyptian president said Wednesday. Mubarak, who was forced from office in February, is accused of consenting to a plan to kill protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square on...
  3. FTA Hacker

    Egyptian exec accused of hotel sexual assault is arraigned

    New York (CNN) -- An Egyptian executive accused of sexually abusing an employee at a luxury hotel in New York was arraigned late Tuesday night. A judge set bail for Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar at $50,000 and the defendant was ordered to surrender all travel documents. The case has been adjourned...
  4. No Warranty

    Egypt general admits 'virginity checks'

    Cairo (CNN) -- A senior Egyptian general admits that "virginity checks" were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring, the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities. The allegations arose in an Amnesty International report, published weeks after the...
  5. No Warranty

    Mubarak faces charges for corruption, deaths

    (CNN) -- Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons will face trial before a criminal court for the killings of protesters and the waste of public money, the Egyptian general prosecutor's office announced Tuesday. Mubarak, who was forced from office in February, is being charged...
  6. No Warranty

    First death sentence in Egypt revolution killings

    (CNN) -- A criminal court in Cairo sentenced to death a police officer for killing protesters, the first such penalty to be handed down following the revolution that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian state TV reported Monday. The court sentenced Mohammed Mahmud Abdul Mun'em in...
  7. No Warranty

    Amnesty: Egypt far from justice over unrest that killed more than 800

    (CNN) -- At least 840 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured during the Egyptian revolution earlier this year as then-President Hosni Mubarak clung to power through violence and intimidation, Amnesty International said in a report Thursday. Though protesters ultimately ousted Mubarak...
  8. No Warranty

    Report: More than 800 died in Egypt

    (CNN) -- At least 840 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured during the Egyptian revolution earlier this year as then-President Hosni Mubarak clung to power through violence and intimidation, Amnesty International said in a report Thursday. Though protesters ultimately ousted Mubarak...

    Egyptian workers flee Libya amid tales of chaos

    SALLOUM, Egypt – This trash-strewn, windy desert plateau that marks the frontier with Libya was a tangle of small vans, station wagons and tour buses Tuesday — all ferrying home thousands of Egyptian workers who told of mercenaries, airstrikes and chaos in Moammar Gadhafi's violence-wracked...
  10. Scammer

    U.S. asked to freeze Egyptian assets -- The post-Mubarak Egyptian government has asked the United States to freeze the financial assets of some officials from that country, according to a senior Obama Administration official. The official, who was not...
  11. Scammer

    Egyptian banks shuttered after protests

    -- Egypt's new government on Sunday ordered banks closed for the next two days after protests by National Bank workers apparently drove out the head of the institution. The chairman of the National Bank of Egypt, Tarek Amer, told employees via e-mail that he submitted his resignation on Sunday...
  12. Scammer

    President Obama praises Egyptian revolution -- Top American officials welcomed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's decision to step down Friday but urged all sides in Egypt's rapidly unfolding political drama to ensure a peaceful transition to democracy. "The people...
  13. Scammer

    Military's new role: Running Egypt -- Mohammed Hussein Tantawi is Egypt's deputy prime minister, defense minister and commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces. In the West, little is known about him, or how he intends to lead the Egyptian military...
  14. Scammer

    World leaders watch as events unfold -- Government leaders around the world watched events unfold in Egypt Thursday after embattled President Hosni Mubarak said he "will follow the track of peaceful transition until September," disappointing throngs of...
  15. Scammer

    Mubarak speech stuns UK Egyptians

    -- Feelings of elation and hope collapsed into anger and frustration as ardent anti-Mubarak protesters in London listened in disbelief as Egypt's president refused to step down. Sitting in a Lebanese restaurant in the heart of the Arab community on London's Edgware Road, all eyes were fixed on...
  16. Scammer

    Friday could be pivotal day in Egypt -- After a tumultuous day of speculation, disappointment and then anger, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak remains the titular head of his country. Little else is clear. "So I thought I would delegate powers...
  17. CASPER

    Egypt takes aim at Al-Jazeera for protest coverage

    The Egyptian government has made clear it believes a chief culprit stoking the anti-government protests roiling the country is pan-Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera. Security forces have detained, and later released, at least nine Al-Jazeera correspondents since the protests erupted last month...
  18. Scammer

    Washington slams Egyptian government -- President Barack Obama's spokesman criticized the Egyptian government on Tuesday for arresting and harassing journalists and rights activists, and called comments by Vice President Omar Suleiman that Egypt is not...
  19. CASPER

    Egypt raises $2.2B in T-bill auction

    CAIRO – Egyptian financial officials promised to restart the stock market in a week and raised more than $2 billion through Treasury Bills on Monday, as the government pushed to maintain investor confidence in the country where fallout from the prolonged protests drove the currency to new...
  20. Scammer

    Missing Google exec 'to be released'

    -- Wael Ghonim, a Google executive who has been missing for more than a week following his purported arrest in Cairo, is to be released Monday, according to two Egyptian television news networks. Telecom executive Naguib Sawiris announced on OTV Sunday that Ghonim would be released at 4 p.m...