All VS Owners IMPORTANT INFO Read This!!!!


New member
many members saying there unit is not a Clone and it died with the new bin, actually the best way to put it is counterfeit, these new Clones/Counterfeit units there is ONLY one way to tell if you have any original, and you MUST have the Batteries that came with your remote. Now this is a FACT all REAL Veiwsats WILL have batteries green & black and say Super Guard or Rocket, then your unit is NOT a clone. If your Batteries say ANY OTHER THING and/or are NOT Green and Black then you have a CLONE/Counterfeit unit; no if's and's or buts about it. I am sorry if you got screwed or bought it from a supposable "Authorized Dealer" (actually they are now counterfeiting that logo also) so the word of WARNING is ONLY BUY FROM A TRUSTED SOURCE, you must beware.

The batteries is the ONLY way to tell now............BUYER BEWARE!!!!!

This is from "Viewsatusa".. make sure its NOT a clone..UPDATE 3-29-07 (correction to 3-27-07 on battery brand)


With the latest clones hitting the states, it is even harder to tell the difference between the real thing and the fake. Authentic Viewsats come with green colored batteries bearing the name ROCKET or SUPERGUARD. If your unit stops functioning, it's probably a clone. As of now, the only real way to tell if you've been fooled is to call 877-845-6586.