Authentic swiss fondue


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To make a fondue properly you must have a large flat-bottomed earthenware dish which stands over a small spirit stove to be brought to the table. The fondue is first cooked on the stove, then put over the burner to serve at the table. Each person should be equipped with a long-handled fork and a supply of 1 inch bread cubes. The idea is that each person dips a piece of bread into the fondue, being careful not to lose it in the dish - - of they do, Swiss tradition dictates that person must buy drinks all round. It is also considered poor manners to spill the fondue on the tablecloth, so the best way is to scar the bread, dip it in the pot and quickly swirl it round to catch the drips and cool it a little. The effort is well worth it, as fondue is not only delicious, but a lot of fun.

1 tsp. potato flour or corn flour
4 wine glasses
Neufchatel white wine
1 tbsp. Kirsch
2 cloves garlic
Pinch ground nutmeg
Pepper to taste

Rub round the inside of the dish with a cut clove of garlic. Warm the wine in the earthenware dish over low heat, then stir in the grated cheese, stirring until the cheese has melted and blended with the wine. Add remaining garlic, crushed or chopped very small, nutmeg and pepper; bring to boil.

Blend cornflour with Kirsch and stir into mixture, stirring all the time. In 3-4 minutes it should have thickened and can be brought to the table to keep hot over the spirit lamb. It must be eaten while simmering. Serve a Neufchatel dry white wine for an Authentic Swiss Fondue.