Babies born after IVM may be bigger



Babies born after IVM may be bigger
NOTTINGHAM, England, (UPI) -- Babies born after in vitro maturation may be more likely to be larger than normal, researchers in Britain said.

Dr. Peter Sjoblom of the Nottingham University in vitro fertilization clinic at Queen's Medical Centre said babies born after in vitro maturation - in which eggs mature in the laboratory -- may be more likely to be experience large offspring syndrome.

Sjoblom and colleagues conducted a review of studies of babies born after in vitro maturation fertility treatment. Since mothers of larger babies may face more difficult births, the researchers have urged caution in the use of in vitro maturation until further studies can clarify their findings.

"We looked at four different data sets from four different countries and, although the numbers were small and differences modest, we saw a consistent pattern that cannot be ignored," Sjoblom said in a statement. "We strongly believe that these findings must be explored further."

The researchers presented their findings at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Rome.