Customers sound alarm on Ottawa construction co.



Brenda Jensen said Langtry Co. has ignored her complaints about the poor job they did on her stone driveway

Several Ottawa families are flagging concerns with an Ottawa-area landscape and construction company they said cheated them and is now ignoring them.

Langtry Landscape and Construction Company, based in the Manotick area of south Ottawa, has a long trail of complaints about abandoned projects and shoddy work. It is also facing several lawsuits filed in small claims court from angry customers and former employees.

Brenda Jensen hired the company last summer to build an interlocking stone driveway. Today, the driveway built by owner Ryan Langtry's company features gaps where no stones were put down as well as unevenly laid rock.

"I feel ripped off," Jensen said.

"He doesn't care about the people and he doesn't care about his workmanship … he collected his money and he was out of here."

Jensen said she and her husband had to re-do the front steps because they were dangerous. The couple's repeated attempts to contact Langtry were ignored, Jensen said.
Lawsuits lodged against Langtry

Ole Gjerstad sued Langtry Co. in 2008, winning a $4,500 judgment in small claims court. Gjerstad said Langtry has ignored the court action so far, and he hasn't collected a cent of what he is owed.

Gjerstad hired the company to build a suite in his basement home, but said after a few days work Langtry's employees stopped showing up.

"He showed up long enough to be able to cash in his $7,000, having done about $1,500 of work," Gjerstad said.

"It's the first time I've been swindled, deliberately ripped off, and I've learned my lesson," he said.

One former Langtry employee is suing the company, alleging he worked the summer of 2009 to raise money for college tuition only to have his cheques bounce in the fall.

Another employee is also suing over a bounced cheque.
Ex-Langtry Co. employee speaks out

Joe Hall worked as a foreman for the Langtry Co. for two stints, first in 2009 and again in 2010. He said he disagreed with Langtry, but the job was so lucrative he kept quiet. Now he's chosen to speak out against the company, even phoning to apologize to some past customers.

"I rip people off," Hall said of his work with Langtry.

"I've stolen from people, I've hurt people."

Brenda Jensen said she suspected workers stole gasoline from her garage while they were working on her driveway. She said Langtry laughed off the allegation when she confronted him with it.

Langtry then asked her for a recommendation, Jensen said.

"Why would I keep my mouth shut and let someone else go through what we went through? I'm telling everyone ... don't hire Langtry," she said.

Ontario lists a Langtry Lawncare, registered to the same address as Langtry Co., on its Consumer Beware List. Langtry Company also has an "F" rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Langtry did not respond to phone calls, or answer the door at his business.
Call me naive, trusting or just stupid. My first clue should have been Ryan cashing my postdated chq for snow removal before it was due. He's the perfect con man, coming across as sincere and "Mr Nice Guy". He ignored my many calls about not having the markers installed on my driveway in late Nov. while the rest of Manotick with reputable firms had their's installed much earlier. He had some lame excuse that he'd been away and it was the responsibility of the company he had contracted the jobs out to. What company who cares about their clients takes off without ensuring things are in place before the snow falls? He then had the audacity to drop off a flyer saying the company he had hired skipped and he didn't realize as he'd been away again?? NOT!! He also stated that of course he would pay up. I had made enough phone calls to let him know early in the season that things were not happening.I can't believe that I was taken as I'm usually a lot smarter. $360.bucks is not a huge amount, but I could sure use it especially since I had to hire someone else. I'm really amazed that he would rip off his own community. How does he expect to stay in business?
It's sad when the people you trust or think they are legitimate business persons rip people off that way......sorry that you were one of them............
Sorry to hear this Brenda Jensen. I am not surprised though. My son is still owed $1250 from his work there in 2009. We have travelled the legal route and now have a judgement against Langtry from the Ontario Ministry of Labour.... This judgement will eventually cause payment to happenn... a long road.. 2 years so far... but if all goes well... the Sherriff will be auctioning his property.

Go to small claims court... get a judgement and join the crowd.

To the moderator of this website, the above information I have provided is verifiable and are facts.