do I necessarily need to upgrade bin 201 file?


I read what Casper said about the 201g fix for the bin file. since my tv is working fairly well right now, does anybody recommend applying the g file fix, or should I let well enough alone since I'm still getting a signal on all stations?
only slight glitch I'm getting is that on rare occasion, the scramble or bad screen will appear, but I still get audio. within a few seconds, the screen will come back like nothing ever happened. this isn't enough of a problem to really bother me until a new bin file comes out.
what's your opinion? my idea is to just let it alone.
thanks in advance

1970 chevelle

New member
ok bro from what im hearing you should leave it alone as the new files may require you to jtag your unit if your happy with it id leave it alone the new file is even coming with a beware and have jtag in hand ready warning so its really your call