NOTICE to all members about recent member banned


Staff member
It has recently come to our attention that some of our members have been selling IKS Private Server information to other members here on PBP though the pm system. We at PBP do not approve of this activity and do not support it. As a result, there have been many users banned. These users are now coming on here and badmouthing our once peaceful site.

Please be aware that Buttman302 and others were deeply involved here and are now deeply involved elsewhere in this private server activity. Anyone found out to be associated with Buttman302 who have not already be banned, WILL be banned permanently!

WARNING to any member found to be abusing this site,

You are being asked to immediately stop abusing the site or and subsidiary of Preferredbypete or we will be contacting the abuse department you’re your ISP.

Please CEASE AND DESIST and stop all:

  • Offending posts
  • Registering under proxies with offending user names
  • Or attracting site in any other way

We have carefully documenting the abuse coming from any IP and proxies:

All this info that has been collected and will be sent to your ISP's abuse department if you do not stop:

  • Copies of your offending posts and times of post. (Your ISP can check the data packet sent at this time for verification.)
  • Detailed time and IP information including proxy servers used. Your ISP can easily see what IP connected to what proxy at what time.
  • The sections of your ISPs TOS that your posts violated (This can get your service shut off and banned from your ISP)
  • Copies of any communications with the you asking you to follow the TOS and stop your abuse of the site.
This is a warning, We will take these next steps if you continue the abuse.

PBP Administrators and Owners