Real D Glasses Get Approval from TV Manufacturers


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TV manufacturers have endorsed RealD glasses for use with 3D-ready HDTVs. Sony and JVC both approved RealD, and it looks like they will become the standard eyewear in the upcoming 3D television surge in 2010. This means that if you purchase these special glasses, they should be compatible with a majority, if not all, 3D TV manufacturers.

Sony’s decision to hold off from purchasing exclusive rights to RealD glasses is promising for the entire 3D display industry. This way, competing manufacturers will avoid competition created by non-compatibility (akin to the BluRay vs. HD-DVD format war).

This agreement also should make 3D viewing much more feasible to everyday consumers. If families have their own sets of RealD glasses, then they will not need additional glasses if they should choose to purchase a different brand of 3D display.