[Rant] Stupid People are what's killing America


Stupid People are what's killing America

Rys2sense | November 30, 2010
Stupid People are what's killing America.
The start of this is form The maddness of a lost society.
I reposted it with improvements. The "mysterious missile" was a drill by our own government. and the god bless stuff was just as ignorant. Funny for them to make a movie about stupid people and have stupid mistakes in it. All the sub titles and titles in black and white I added myself.

To umhalil Oh like I haven't made any videos or movies that got ripped off. And no where did I call this video my own. Read the description dumb shit. I wasn't finished with the video, I didn't know the name of the original because I got a copy of that as well on facebook. I never claimed it was mine, it's not my voice, music or anything. It's no different than reposting a Ron Paul video. Obviously I didn't film Ron Paul.
I usually don't post things by other people but I rarely see anything worth it. This one was good enough. You think I would try to steal a popular video as my own and leave open comments for it. Any idiot could just post a link to the original. I wasn't trying to "steal" it, I was promoting it, with improvements. The original video had silly scare tactics in it about off shore missiles. And the messages at the end I felt needed to be said as well.

Source:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


WOW!!! This veido is full of nutttie people Black Friday they can have it,,

Thanks Ricklbert great Posting,,