TTC employee charged in bus assault




A TTC employee has been charged after allegedly assaulting a passenger aboard a bus in northeast Toronto last month.

The incident occurred on Jan. 8 on a crowded bus heading west on Sheppard Avenue East. The alleged victim, Isaac Gould, said the assault occurred while he was travelling on the bus with his 10-year-old son.

Gould, 40, told CBC News a man wearing a TTC uniform boarded the bus near Markham Road East on Sheppard, and then berated the driver for being 20 minutes late.

Around two stops later, when about five people were waiting to board the bus, "the gentleman got frustrated and started screaming at everybody to move to the back of the bus," Gould said.

Gould said the employee then told him to move back, at which point Gould replied he couldn't move back any further.
'Threw me into the bar'

"All in a flash, the gentleman turned around, grabbed me from behind and threw me into the [safety] bar. By the time I looked at my son and saw that he was OK, and looked at him he was already three-quarters down the bus going towards the back door there," Gould said. He also alleges the TTC employee told him to "get the f--k out of my way."

Gould called police from the bus, which stopped near McCowan Road before police officers arrived and took a statement from him and a witness.

Gould said his son told him he doesn't feel comfortable riding the bus anymore. The boy also told Gould he wants his father to get his driver's licence so they no longer have to travel on the TTC.

"So just from him saying that to me has told me a lot," Gould said.

Toronto resident Frederick Tulk, 59, was charged with assault Tuesday after turning himself in to police. He is due to appear in court in Toronto on Mar. 17.

TTC spokesman Brad Ross said the employee has been disciplined, but wouldn't specify further. He said he couldn't reveal any more information about the incident.

"The matter is now one before the courts, so anything I say could be used in that particular case, so I don't want to do that," he said.