WWE Raw Results 1/31: Raw Rumble Match, The Miz vs. Edge


FanHouse has complete results for the 1/31 episode of WWE Raw, headlined by the first ever "Raw Rumble" match, a seven-person over-the-top-rope Royal Rumble-style match to determine which WWE superstars will move on to the Raw Elimination Chamber and which one will challenge WWE Champion The Miz in three weeks. The show also features a trio of tag team matches, including one for the Tag Team Championships and an impromptu dance-off, and Tyson Kidd challenges United States Champion Daniel Bryan.

Complete Raw Results are below.

- Alberto Del Rio celebrates his Royal Rumble victory and promises to announce which title he's going to challenge for at WrestleMania. He's interrupted by both the World Heavyweight Champion Edge and the WWE Champion The Miz. Del Rio chooses the World Heavyweight Championship and is attacked by Edge. Miz provides a distraction, allowing Del Rio to smash a guitar over Edge's shoulder and lock him into the cross armbreaker.

1. Tag Team Champions Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defeated The Nexus (Michael McGillicutty and Husky Harris) when Marella pinned Harris after the Cobra.

- After the match, Randy Orton hits the ring and delivers an RKO to McGillicutty, baiting CM Punk to make an appearance. Orton continues to attack the Nexus, threatening to punt Husky Harris. CM Punk makes an appearance and warns him not to do it, but Orton punts Harris anyway.

2. United States Champion Daniel Bryan defeated Tyson Kidd by submission with the LeBell Lock. After the match, The Bella Twins once again get into a catfight with Gail Kim.

3. World Heavyweight Champion Edge defeated WWE Champion The Miz with a spear. John Cena appeared near the end of the match and started a "Miz is awful" chant, distracting Miz and allowing Edge to hit the spear.

4. LayCool (Layla and Michelle McCool) defeated Natalya and Divas Champion Eve when Layla pinned Eve after a flipping "diamond dust" stunner out of the corner she calls the "Facelift."

- Mark Henry and The Great Khali defeated The Usos in a dance contest for absolutely no reason whatsoever. After the dancing, Henry and Khali hit their finishers on the Usos.

5. Raw Rumble Match: Jerry "The King" Lawler won, last eliminating Sheamus. The match also included CM Punk, John Cena, John Morrison, R-Truth and Randy Orton. Punk was eliminated by Orton, who was quickly eliminated by R-Truth. Truth was eliminated by John Cena after a double Attitude Adjustment. Morrison was eliminated via a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Cena was eliminated when Sheamus tossed Lawler into him, causing him to fall off of the apron. Cena helped Lawler pull down the top rope to eliminate a charging Sheamus and win the match.