I I_69_98 New member May 26, 2009 #1 Is there a hardware update? I'm also having problems with my CoolSat it resets every five to ten minutes after watching. Not software cuz I updated and occurring while surfing channels but only when when watching Dtv channels. Please Help!!!!!
Is there a hardware update? I'm also having problems with my CoolSat it resets every five to ten minutes after watching. Not software cuz I updated and occurring while surfing channels but only when when watching Dtv channels. Please Help!!!!!
CASPER New member May 26, 2009 #2 the only file that was upgraded was the factory file this year but that was back in february if u need it here is the link.... https://preferredbypete.com/8100-files/11114-cs8100-2025a-factory.html .
the only file that was upgraded was the factory file this year but that was back in february if u need it here is the link.... https://preferredbypete.com/8100-files/11114-cs8100-2025a-factory.html .
I I_69_98 New member May 26, 2009 #3 Is this file going to replace the existing file or is it going to add onto file?