How can I save an adobe file to be typeable?


New member
I have a PDF file which opens with adobe 8.0. But when I type something, I can't save it. In fact, every time i open the file it tells me that I can't save and if I want a copy, I must print one before closing. How come? Is there a way I can make it savable? Opening it with word doesn't encode correctly and I get no where.


New member
Could be two things. Whomever created the PDF created it so it can't be edited and saved. Not much you can do about it. Other is you have the wrong version of Acrobat - you need the full version of Adobe Acrobat to edit the PDF.


New member
try to open it in some other program like adobe indesign if you have it and save it as an .EPS ....If you dont have indesign.. I'm not to sure