New kid on the block


New member
Hello to everyone on just signed up as a new member on this site.I haven't gone through everything yet but my preliminary view tells me you have a very interesting site.What got me here was a search for some old files.I mean old files.Like for Pansat 2500A.They are becoming hard to find.There it was everything I needed so far right here on your site.I"ve been into FTA for about 7 years.I still injoy it as much as I did back then.It is much less time consuming due to IKS.Sure has changed things though.Thanks so much for allowing me to be a member here......Bart53


Glad you could find what you were looking for. I didn't realize the other FTA sites had gotten rid of the old files. Well, that's one thing we'll always have. Glad we could be of service. Welcome to PBP!