Hey Everybody
This is my first post and wanted to say I've been browsing around this forum and it is great!. I was an avid tester awhile back until Charlie killed the waves. Now I finally cut the cable with commiecast and am dusting off my old fortec receiver and want to get some fta channels. My problem is, My old computer crashed awhile back that I had all my tutorials and files on it, and here is where I am so far. I had originally flashed my Fortec lifetime ultra with the pansat 2500/2700 and puff bin. I tried flashing it back to the original Fortec bin with a few files I found and have now made it worse as it will only boot and freeze on F.
Can any one help me get this back to the original fortec bin? I need instructions and files. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I need to get it back to b75 first..right? or did I brick it now that it's stuck on F. Any help would be appreciated
If you don't know how to display your own recipient,then thats your whole issue. You haven't study anything about it. I bet i invested a longer period studying fro you, than you have for yourself. I provided you all the resources,now you find it!
Polister..maybe you can respond again when you learn English as your first language. And I don't know what you are talking about when you say you have provided me with all the resources..you have provided nothing but an unhelpful snide comment. Also, I would assume when you use the word "recipient" you are meaning to say receiver?? You don't know me so why do you assume I haven't searched several forums for the proper procedures? I have...and not that I need to explain, but most of the posts I've found on the issue are old posts or archived posts and most of the files provided were gone. I'm not saying that I didn't possibly miss a post that contained the info I needed, but I have searched. And you sir should go hang out in the satellite forum on ecoustics..you'd fit right in with them.

If you don't know how to display your own recipient,then thats your whole issue. You haven't study anything about it. I bet i invested a longer period studying fro you, than you have for yourself. I provided you all the resources,now you find it!