Starting A Pig Farm is HARD


New member
Starting A Pig Farm is HARD
A city slicker wanted to start a pig farm so he pick up a dozen or so pigs a put them in a pen, A few weeks went by and he doesn't see them mating so he went to the vet the vet said "when they mate you'll know they lay and wallow in the mud after" So the farmer said OK and heads back to the farm a week passes and their still not wallowing so back to the vet he go's the vet says" well the only other thing to do is artificial insemination" well back to the farm he go's rounds up those pigs and throws them in the back of the truck and takes them to the woods and "gives it to them all real good" and throws them back in the pen " still no wallowing " he does this for a week, come Friday he is "pissed" He takes them up to the woods and "gives it to them all TWICE" and throws them back in the pen, Come Saturday he can't get out of bed he is so tried so he ask his wife "go see if those pigs are wallowing" She comes running back in the house and he ask "Are they wallowing" she says NO " you ain't going to believe this" Their in the truck and there honking the horn....

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