What dose it take to make LS work today 1/31/11?


New member
Could someone please tell me exactly what files and service's are required to get the LS Ultra to work? I've had nothing for months while server was down and now don't know all is needed to get working again. Thanx
Hey bud svwatch the way it is looking the systems are down public,,

here a C/P of what going on from another member,,

works fine with P$, so always an option. if your going to shell out $ for a new box, might be worth while looking at other options for server. lots of them out there, vary with the cost and service available. something to think about.

hope this help you out,,
Buttman302, thanx. Dose not sound good for LS. Purchased several months ago (big mistake) and only was able to have a handful of channels for a few weeks. What a deal! Are there any new units that look good and may have some support for a while?
There are other stb's out there holding there own in the public setting. You have Ilink, viewsat,cnx models , xfactor and soniview is running pretty decent on the svlan (a new donlge or you can convert your ihub to an svlan and purchase a serial code from fleabay for around 40 dollars).
Hope this helps and if I left any stb's out it's only because I don't own them so I have little knowledge of how they are doing.
Thanx snowbird; just dug out old sonicview and will give it a go. Still have dreambox and viewsat and other doorstops. What a fun thing testing is.
Yes it is fun and sometimes frustrating but still fun when ya "getter done".
JFYI....The viewsat's that are being supported are the ultra, ultra lite, 9000hd and max hd.
Dreambox has no public support at this time and is a real pain to set up on the alternative. (Same for viewsat on the alternative side but way easy on the public).

I am new to the forum and not sure which thread is more suited for my question so posting a follow on to my previous question. I heard that LS ultra is not working with NFPS and wondering what other options are available for the LS ultra.

Thanks, -dd:confused: