Jumping Smilies WOW!! look at me, i am now a senior, i am the shit now i would like to thanks all the little peoples neck that i had to step on to get here, i might let them kiss my ring, and thank my lord and saver the dreambox..Jumping Smilies

but all kidding aside thanks guys.

Jumping Smilies WOW!! look at me, i am now a senior, i am the shit now i would like to thanks all the little peoples neck that i had to step on to get here, i might let them kiss my ring, and thank my lord and saver the dreambox..Jumping Smilies

but all kidding aside thanks guys.


Thats a crowned member that is good to here from ya LiL Bil......ricklbert


Monarchy is primitive, and evil. Therefore, I will round up an army in PbP to dethrown him.
Whose with me?
buttman is da bOmbbb
thanks for the kind words jimmy but the real bomb are the member like you i am just a little part of what we do here..
ooo by the way i hope you where thinking with your dip stick jimmy

rick keep up the good work all the members will support you

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little by little you will flourish.....buttman...

it is a fact i have flourish, since i became a member at PETE and a vip, i will keep flourishing more now that i am a senios, i kind of like to be an indain this way i could give out shit. lol!!:Laugh:

dam batman right i am evil.

the joker
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you edit my thead did i go a little over board guys its was only in fun, you i hope you don't think i am like that lol, just a joke to you my friends.. you know i ment no disrespect at all..
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