another Nfusion update from you know who be nice

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Beware Beware Enthusiast
Ok I'm posting this c/p just as info take it with a grain of salt no need to bad mouth its just a post you don't have to believe it it does give some hope so lets look at it that way
I hope you are enjoying your backups or subs, when you see what i've got coming for you they'll be collecting dust in the corner for a long time...

Sorry for the extra downtime, we have to make sure everything is done right to protect you. When others go down and come right back up, they do not take the steps to fix the problems, they just come back up, roll the dice and hope for the best. Nfusion is here to stay so when these problems come up we take the time to fix them

Give me just a few more days, you will see channels starting to pop back on as the final tests are finishing up. 
Ok superstar i am ready for you to come good on your promisses, Just waiting here reading my book and oh. My membership to the library runs out on December 31, 2010 do you think i need to renew it, or will we see nfusion up and running by then? Well maybe i just better go signup for one more year as nfusions track record is to say the least down down down. I just returned from the dump with my son and we seen 2 nfusion boxes in the pile if it don't change there will be 3 soon.

Thanks for listening, As the saying goes this is just one mans opinion. And opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
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The team has found a few unexpected issues that need to be resolved before the system can come back online. We are very frustrated with the up and down time as is everyone else. We are working very hard to put Nfusion back as the number one team owners can count on, but in order for this to happen certain things must be done, all which take some time. Right now I cannot give a timeline, but it shouldn't be much longer. A month has already passed and things are looking good. Maybe a few more weeks but not months. 

Even though Nfusion is not bouncing back quickly look at what has happened in the past few weeks with other receivers, no stability and losing channels. Our goal is to be 100% stable with channels you can rely on. 

####### is the home site to Nfusion and any updates will be posted here by me. A few imposters have popped up on other sites claiming to be me, don't worry it's not. @@ is my home, and all real updates will be posted here first. 

I want to thank all the members here at ## and all the owners for sticking by Nfusion through these tough times, as soon as the issues are fixed you will be happy you have stayed loyal to Nfusion. 

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