BSkyB Holding Its Own During Tough Times


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BSkyB Holding Its Own During Tough Times

Economic uncertainty has made its way to the other side of the pond. But James Murdoch, chairman of U.K./Irish multiplatform company British Sky Broadcasting, said the business continues to perform well during challenging times.

"At Sky, we never forget that this is the age of the consumer. And in tough economic times the consumer wants, more than ever, real value and real choice," Murdoch said during the company's annual meeting in London Friday.

"Customers are demanding the flexibility to access content and information when and how they want. This has created intense competition for the benefit of consumers, as well as significant opportunities for companies that have the capability and the appetite to change."

As for BSkyB's successes, Murdoch pointed out that the company was close to passing the 9 million customer mark at the end of its fiscal year, which concluded during the summer. Also, the Sky Plus DVR product is now available to almost four million families across the United Kingdom and Ireland, he said.