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cw-1000s cardsharing

i was asked in a pm how to get cardsharing working on a cw-1000s. i decided to share with everyone. if you have the sc update that was up on dvb-upload, the client is already there for cardsharing. the server portion isn't yet public.

to set up the client it's simply a matter of editing a few files on the system. you should do this with vdr not running. to stop it back out to the main screen where you choose a profile on the system.

the easiest way to edit the files is through ssh over a network. start an ssh session. you can use putty or something similar on windows. the files you need to look at are /captive/vdr/plugins/cardclient.conf.example, /captive/vdr/plugins/SoftCam.Key and /captive/vdr/plugins/ca.cache.

the ca.cache file can just be deleted.

rm /captive/vdr/plugins/ca.cache

the SoftCam.Key file needs to have the keys commented out for the provider you will be using. for dn that would be the 0001 and 0101 keys. bev keys are 0801 and 0901. the system has both vi and nano on it to edit files. i'll use nano since it's easier for someone unfamiliar with linux. the filenames are case sensitive in linux. the capital letters make a difference.

nano /captive/vdr/plugins/SoftCam.Key

add a # in front of the keys for the provider you will be using the card server for. save it when done editing by hitting ^x (ctrl+x) press y when asked if you want to save your changes. and enter on the filename to save it as the same file.

finally, you need to tell the system about your card server. to do that you need to edit the cardclient.conf file. the system comes with an example. copy it.

cp /captive/vdr/plugins/cardclient.conf.example /captive/vdr/plugins/cardclient.conf

now you need to add in the information for your server.

nano /captive/vdr/plugins/cardclient.conf

you'll see a bunch of comments in the file explaining how to use it. cliff note version here. add a line like this.


this is for a server using newcamd protocol. the format is this

protocol:server ip address:server port:autoudate on off/caid/caid mask:usernameassword:des key

the protocol, ip address, port, username, password and des key are specific to the server. the caid is for the provider. 1801 for dn, 1234 for bev. if you set it up you should know the values. if it's someone else's server they will have to provide that information to you.

for radegast protocol it would be like this


just a bit simpler without the username/password and des key. save the file.

now when you start vdr by entering your user profile it will connect to the cardserver and open any channels the card is authorized for.

that will get a client running. the server part of this is not really public.. its whom you know or if you can make your own.

Anyways this seems much more easy than a CW4000 or 3000
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