[Tip:] Is there faster way to copy files in windows 7?

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I was looking for a faster way the can move files to another hard drive. Windows seems to take forever to move files over and once the files are done copying it sits there with the bar in the end waiting for something. See my hours when I was transferring but 150 gigs to another drive. I search the Internet for solution and here's what I found.

Teracopy: this program I found to be almost twice as fast as the built-in windows copy program. The easy-to-use I just don't understand why it's so much faster than Windows itself. But is, and I highly recommend.

Robocopy: this program is more for advanced users, it's got a command line interface although a GUI is available for download it's just as fast as Teracopy. I highly recommend this one for the advanced user.

Give them a try and post a comment and let me know how it worked out for you.


New member
I've been using Teracopy now for about 2 1/2 years, everything that you copy the Teracopy seems to be almost twice as fast as anything that you copy with the Windows built-in copy program. Windows seems to hang after it copies files, after the files have been completed especially if there's a lot of files, Teracopy won't do this.

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Robocopy is no slouch either, although it's best used by people who understand the command line interface. I don't think mentioned in this thread that both Teracopy and Robocopy they are both FREE.