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New member

Much like the Jvvh-Team-PUFF_Convert-Box_Lzma bin, this bin will convert any box that was already converted to 2700 (b75, PUFF or Lzma) back to 2500.
You ONLY need to use the Loader you normally use and Hit Download on loader like you normally would to load bins.
After write is complete receiver will reboot with rolling Knight Rider Lights (- - - -). You then will need to load the X-85BL_Clone-Safe_294_(2500)_api bin (included in Zip file) or any 2500 bin to receiver using the same loader to get receiver to the ON position.
The reason I created this bin was for those who's receiver is stuck on " b " or " P " but it can be used on any converted receiver even if receiver can be fully booted to ON.If receiver can display ON you would still load the Jvvh-Team-PUFF_Convert-Box_2700-To-2500 bin at the first " b " or " P ".

Since I use the Jvvh-Team-PUFF (FortecStarSTB) Loader I will use it in the example.

(1). Open FortecStarSTB Loader.
FILE, Choose Jvvh-Team-PUFF_Convert-Box_2700-To-2500 bin.
Push OK when " Sorry...File Type Inconnu..: ( " error pops up.
Turn receiver ON and soon as you see the first " b " or " P ".

Click DOWNLOAD on Loader.

Write will complete in around 2-3 minutes then receiver will reboot with Knight Rider Lights (- - - -) rolling across the display screen. Leave receiver ON or Turn it OFF it's up to you but I recommend leaving it ON with the Knight Rider Lights rolling.

(2). With the FortecStarSTB Loader open.
FILE, Choose X-85BL_Clone-Safe_294_(2500)_api bin.
Click DOWNLOAD on Loader.

**If you turned receiver OFF then soon as you turn receiver ON and see the first Dash...Click DOWNLOAD on Loader.**

Write will complete in around 2-3 minutes then receiver will reboot with - - - - for 5 seconds then display ON and that's it...receiver should now be converted back to 2500.


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