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New member
I'm having issues with my receiver ihub svlan conversion, all has been installed per instructions serial number etc. but once i get done with channel scan i confirm ip address, serial match etc. i get on every station "no service channel scrambled" Any guidance would be appreciated
new one, but i tried both ways. It actually just popped on the went right back to the channel scrambled message i'm lost here
new one, but i tried both ways. It actually just popped on the went right back to the channel scrambled message i'm lost here

Check your coax feed for problems-----You should NOT have to wait for 2 hours for the unit to start working.
Check all info entered to confirm you have it all entered correctly.
I beleave the servers was having problems I could see where waiting for a few hours untell server up fully,,

how is it working now manbooknerd,, please give us a shout,,
i still as of today still haven't got anything to work, I have all new coax the dish is aligned properly Signal is 89 quality is 100. The ip settings are true and correct, Last night I got pist off and paid the 50 bucks for the private server. And Still nothing I have troubleshooted every matter on this and I get the same screen No service scrambled message. I do get the channel scan to work logs in over 300 stations but all say the same. when I changed to the private I did switch back to the ihub settings I actually tried it both ways and still nothing. I believe at this moment it's junk and I was ripped off. I have never in my life had so much problems the fact that both public/private don't work seems to tell me it's crap.
Ok you need to start all over. First off what sv are you useing ? The new svlan files put out take the wiz right out of the picture but your hub should read 4.8 when it is converted. If it's not 4.8 your not going to get anything. I would factory default and reload the svlan file for your receiver and only use the svlan serial number given to you. Pay close attention to all the info you put in wether for public or the alternative. One lil mistake such as an o instead of a 0 or a cap instead of lower case will get you in trouble (been there done that).
Also I have ran across the problem of the sv and viewsat both wanting to run on static one day but dhcp a week later or a even a cpl days later (viewsat is real bad for this). If you're still not up, post your info in ipconfig. Note... If you scanned and only got 300 ch. on 119 and 110 somethings wrong there too, you should have way more than that. Heck, I get close to 300 on 119 alone.

I have been running great on sv elite...svlan public and alternative till today, think it's dwn at the moment or last time I checked about an hour ago.
Don't give up, it's probably something real simple that you're missing. There are lots of good peeps here willing to help you out till you get it...Good Luck and post back your progress, this way we all learn.
i still as of today still haven't got anything to work, I have all new coax the dish is aligned properly Signal is 89 quality is 100. The ip settings are true and correct, Last night I got pist off and paid the 50 bucks for the private server. And Still nothing I have troubleshooted every matter on this and I get the same screen No service scrambled message. I do get the channel scan to work logs in over 300 stations but all say the same. when I changed to the private I did switch back to the ihub settings I actually tried it both ways and still nothing. I believe at this moment it's junk and I was ripped off. I have never in my life had so much problems the fact that both public/private don't work seems to tell me it's crap.

I set this sv elite up for macbooknerd myself before shipping.
I would NEVER rip people off this way. Ask buttman302.
I left it set to basics so it may need to be reloaded & factory defaulted like snowbird suggests. These stbs cling onto fragmented files like there's no tomorrow. Just maybe running system cleaner then reloading the es13, resetting the ip config, reconnect the svlan ihub, & power reboot.
Always disconnect & reconnect the ihub with the receiver power switch turned off. You can brick the ihub this way. Then it has to be restored to factory.
For someone who isn't ripping people off let me just say honest people email people back. You have been ignoring every question I ask. I have filed this with ebay paypal and my credit card carrier. Honest people help answer questions etc. Dishonest people ignore push problems on forums to fix ignoring my emails was the dead givaway. You sir are not a honest seller.

For those that did help I really appreciate the help you have provided much thnx. :veryhappy:
For someone who isn't ripping people off let me just say honest people email people back. You have been ignoring every question I ask. I have filed this with ebay paypal and my credit card carrier. Honest people help answer questions etc. Dishonest people ignore push problems on forums to fix ignoring my emails was the dead givaway. You sir are not a honest seller.

For those that did help I really appreciate the help you have provided much thnx. :veryhappy:

You, sir, are a slanderous person in need of rebuke.
If you read the description in ebay & didn't understand what may be involved, then you aren't ready to be an fta hobbyist.
why ignore my emails with regular questions?
why will you not respond to the ebay case pending? You sold it because you had the same issues I'm having. A refund is in order make it right thats all i ask. Ignoring me ignoring ebay/paypal just shows guilt. Guilty men do exactly what your doing right now. trying to ignore the issue at hand hoping it will pass so you can go spend your 96 bucks. Even if you ignore them it has a timeline. Dude I ain't into the arguing over the net its stupid but be a man face up I'll send it back check it out like normal and refund me.

Acting dumb isn't a defense by the way.
why ignore my emails with regular questions?
why will you not respond to the ebay case pending? You sold it because you had the same issues I'm having. A refund is in order make it right thats all i ask. Ignoring me ignoring ebay/paypal just shows guilt. Guilty men do exactly what your doing right now. trying to ignore the issue at hand hoping it will pass so you can go spend your 96 bucks. Even if you ignore them it has a timeline. Dude I ain't into the arguing over the net its stupid but be a man face up I'll send it back check it out like normal and refund me.

Acting dumb isn't a defense by the way.

Why not take this to PM's -----Airing your dirty laundry on a public forum is very low class.
na dirty is the situation the scammer put me in, why pm someone that can't even email a person back. He knows what he did. That is why i get ignored because he scammed me. I mean hey if the guy can't reply to emails or even the compliant threw the proper channels. RED FLAG SCAM. He won't reply because now he has to return my money and he spent it and doesn't have it to return maybe his welfare check bounced being from california i don't care but the facts are he scammed me. And asking me to pm this situation kinda shows support for scammers. These are the people we need to help each other out with warn each other so next time someone like me don't get screwed. Not support him. I might be the new guy but hey this is wrong and you people know it. But hey he's a stand up guy on this site hidden behind a screen and a ip lets trust him.......
:rant: I think you need to read the rules and take up your problems somewhere besides here. You have bashed another member as well as insulted this site with your BS. I don't think this site would stand up for crooks and I know they don't appreciate being insulted with your anger.
Angry I ain't I make 7,800 a month its the principal of the matter. Seems I have proven my point the scammer has hidden. Bs huh be if a different story if you was scammed outta money. I bet you'd just smile and say ol I dont think so. You be just like me.
I'll deal with you thru Ebay's process only matter to you that sometimes family comes first, eh?

"It's all about you."
Then why ignore ebay, why ignore me here or threw email before i realized it was broke? Excuses excuses thats what thieves do when they get caught up in the scam. I will say this one more time please just reply to the ebay claim and i will mail the setup back for you to inspect and issue refund. I have been nice to you throughout this till you did your lil game. One more time please respond to the refund request and all is done.
I set this sv elite up for macbooknerd myself before shipping.
I would NEVER rip people off this way. Ask buttman302.
I left it set to basics so it may need to be reloaded & factory defaulted like snowbird suggests. These stbs cling onto fragmented files like there's no tomorrow. Just maybe running system cleaner then reloading the es13, resetting the ip config, reconnect the svlan ihub, & power reboot.
Always disconnect & reconnect the ihub with the receiver power switch turned off. You can brick the ihub this way. Then it has to be restored to factory.
I think you should leave your Private deals out of the Forum use your phone or private emails...we don't Provide Private Server or own any Private server Connections any Deals you make with other members here are at your Own Risk with do not have any Control of any Promises or Deal they do here VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE.......ANY CONTINIUANCE OF THIS KIND IN PUBLIC FORUM IS CAUSE FOR PERMANENT BANN...:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:
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