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i got it right this time hehe!!

CaptiveWorks all CW owners please read!!
anyone have a dead cw-700 after using file 2.26?????? if you do you just might have a clone!! yes that's right CLONE KILL FILES ARE HERE NOW!!! theres no fix for it at this time no j-tag program to bring back to life like the pansat line of receivers and no clone files like the pansat line of receivers so if its now dead your out of luck until theirs a way around it you cant blame them for it clones help coders 0% if your box is dead dont put it in the trash just yet you never know if someone comes out with a j-tag program it might be able to be fixed in the future. sorry to all the people that got stuck with them that's why i say always buy for site sponsors!! and i would stay away from ebay thats for sure because your going to see alot of so called good deals but are they?????

Clones CONFIRMED CW 700 & CW 800 C/P

I have just spoken to a dealer who has themselves seen CW 700 & CW 800, clones at their stores and they ARE an authorized CW dealer, so no one is sure where these clones are originating from.

The way to identify a clone versus an original are:

1 Original CW packing boxes will have the indication if the unit is BLACK or SILVER on the outside of the box, and the unit corresponds to the selected color. CLONE boxes have ONLY the color BLACK on the outside of the box but the unit inside IS silver. so the box is missing the color silver and the unit doesn't match the box.

2. The ORIGINAL CW remote batteries are GREEN/BLACK in color, the Clones remote batteries are RED/BLACK.

3 Both originals and clones have DiSeCq switches included, BUT the CLONES DiSeCq are packaged in boxes which are noticeably BRIGHTER YELLOW, than those shipped with ORIGINAL CW.

There is currently NO word on the future of the support for CW 700's and CW 800's, but as with many units that are cloned the future is not overly promising. Although typically the support does continue for "some" period of time. The coders will also no doubt look at the CLONES to see if there is a way of inserting clone killer code, but typically this is just a stop gap measure as other bins are quickly produced with the killer code removed...

Some dealers have already listed as being sold out until further developments are forth coming.
I could not find a good pic of a cone...but I understand Maxx Electronics is selling them for for 70 make sure you get a fta from a retailer that is certified dealer like the ones we have
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