Is this what you needed?
C/P Credit goes to my good friend Swampcat
This is a post on how to use an Aircard (Sierra Wireless 595U) to get Internet service and share it with your receiver. If your Aircard is compatable with windows 7 the steps should be the same.
A list of things required to complete this task is:
1. Laptop Computer running windows 7 (I have only tested with Window 7 not sure about other version of windows)
2. Ethernet - Cross Over Cable
3. Aircard.
4. FTA Receiver with hub.
The First thing you must do is find out the IP Address of your Ethernet Port on your Laptop. This can be done several way but I will walk you through it by the follow steps.
1. Right click on wireless indicator in the bottom right screen corner.
2. Select Open Network and Sharing Center.
3. In the Upper left corner of screen select Change adapter Settings
4. Select Local Area Connection, by clicking on it twice
5. Click on the Details Button
6. Take Note of your IPv4 Address.
At this point you will need to set the IP Address of your Sonicview Receiver.
1. Open Ipconfig Menu in Sonicview Receiver and change following areas.
2. Setting Type to Static.
3. Local Ip to (What I done was set it 1 higher than my IPv4 Address)
4. Subnet to
5. DNS IP to
6. Select Apply and press OK on the Sonicview Remote.
Ok at this point you want to setup your aircard mobile connect. The following steps is how I did it.
1. From your Network Connections Screen, You want to select mobile by left clicking mouse one time.
2. Then Right click mouse and select properties.
3. The mobile Properties menu will appear, click on the Sharing Tab.
4. Click on "Allow other user to connect through this computer's Internet Connection".
5. You may get some information Boxes that popup just click on "ok" to continue.
6. Next in the Home Network Connection box you want to select "Local Area Connection".
7. Then Click On "OK".
8. Double clicking on Mobile in Network Connections Screen, it will connect to the internet.
9. To disconnect right click on Mobile in Network Connections Screen and select Disconnect.
At this point, your FTA Receiver should start broadcasting Tv within 15 Seconds. The reason I had to use this method is because the Sprint Software would not allow sharing of internet with other network connections. Just pluging in an ethernet cable would disconnect the Sprint Software. This method you do not have to use sprint software and rely on windows to manage the aircard for you.
I am not saying this is a long term fix, because they make routers that you can plug USB Aircards into that would be a better solution but this is a option.