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The laptop is finding the network that I have established, however, it will not connect wirelessly. I know that it's not an issue with the internet service because it works to connect with an ethernet cable. I believe that the wireless driver may have been updated, so could that be the issue? How can I roll back my driver?
There are a number of things you can try:1. Switch your wireless from mixed mode wireless encryption (WPA PSK & WPA2 PSK) to simply WPA PSK. The reason for this is some Intel wireless cards don't like it.2. If you are using a cordless phone on the 2.4ghz range move as far from your wireless router as you can.3. Change your wireless channel to 1, 6 or 11 to attempt to avoid wireless interference. There is no point trying every channel as they overlap.If you really want to roll back your driver the following method will work XP, Vista & Windows 7:Start --> Right click "My Computer" or "Computer" --> Left click "Manage" --> Computer Management will open --> Click "Device Manager" on right --> On Right click on "+" or arrow beside "Network Adapters" --> Right click your wireless card and left click "Properties" --> Click on "Driver" tab" --> Click on "Roll Back Driver"... If this doesn't work or the option isn't there you can always click on uninstall abd then reinstall the correct driver.Personally I don't believe it'll be the driver, I hope this helps.