
New member
I tried the windows 7 beta release version and i encrypted my harddrive while i was at it. I put a password down and i still remember it but i can't open the harddrive now in windows vista. if you require the password from me, here it is.Password- 3.14159265358979323846264338327950All of my files over my lifetime have been stored in there so i really want to open it somehow.


New member
The key and the registry work together. To decrypt you must use the exact installation that did the encryption. There are no exceptions


New member
It partly depends on what you used to encrypt it.It's going to vary if you used Bitlocker, Truecrypt, etc.Assumably you'd be able to go back to Windows 7 to open it, but you may need whatever software you used to encrypt it reinstalled too.It can also be a bad idea to put "all my files over my lifetime" on an encrypted drive running on a beta operating system. Hopefully they're not toast.