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New member
hi i but the right nummber but it's not working i want some one help me please
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The keys just change 11:30-12:00am reenter and shut the autoroll off!
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i but them right the same but nothing too when i but them before it was ok please help me and than you/
If you don't turn the autoroll off they will change on there own.

Where receiver are you using?
Turn off the autoroll
menu-->parental control-->password 0000-->autoroll option-->turn off DN and bev only.

Reenter your keys.

There are fix for most units release. If you have a fortec ulta the fix for auto has been posted
If you're not going to listen to the answers that are given to you we WILL ban you from the site. There is no reason to keep asking the same question over and over again especially when you have been given the proper answer. If you continue to do this WE WILL BAN YOU!!!!!!!
hi do you no my dish is not working like before and i am not trying to tell you over and over ok i am trying to fix it and make it work ok so if you can help or not it's ok and thank you for every thing?
First of all, asking 10 times in a row (or however many it was), without waiting for an answer is not at all acceptable. Secondly, if you did input the proper keys as instructed, and it's still not working, say so. Thirdly, if you do not provide us with all the information instead of just saying "it's not working", we will not be able to help because we can't just guess out of the blue as to why it doesn't work. We need more info. So, if it's not working when you enter the new keys, what's happening? What does the screen look like or say? MORE INFO PLEASE!
86: BF 0D 6F DA DB 69 4D 31 F5 70 2B 40 A8 F8 28 03
96: 63 75 F2 E9 83 31 B5 6F 33 60 5B 1F 36 2D 48 7D when i but exaxtly nummber does not work tell me update key's and no thing work? can you help me what to do please ....
if you have Fortec star mercury you have to go menu and hit 9999 and go to keys update in third line go to right or left by the volume and make it off and after go to enter the keys .
note, if you cant get it to work get some one to show you :cool:
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