
New member
I have read all the information regarding N3, and also all the questions asked . It's quite scary:mad: If I take Wizzard's response to some of us.

anyway, my question is: i have a captive works 700S, which is working quite well, I would love to have another receiver in my house, which one you can suggest? of course, i am looking for a receiver that will meet the requirements of N3 or supposedly N4. without too much trouble and where I will be able to see porn or ppv.

So, should I change my captiveworks 700S? buy another one? by another captive works or what ? what should I do?

please, I need a quick answer.

thank you

when the program for the cw 700 S will be availabe?
Nagravision Generation III for the Newbie

C \ P from other site...

"where are my channels" or "can I get my HBO back". This is the answer to your questions in the simplist terms possible.

What is happening to the channels?
You are slowly losing channels because Dish Network is slowly converting these channels to a new encryption known as "G3" or "N3". It's known as that because it's the 3rd generation of the Nagravision conditional access system.

Why are they converting to G3?
Because you are costing them money! FTA has been a thorn in the providers side. They are trying to eliminate the piracy problem to keep subscriptions and revenues up.

Will all the channels go black?
Expect channels to keep dropping until there is nothing left. Locals will probably be last to go, but it's just a matter of time until they are all gone.


Okay now that we are done with the doom and gloom, let's talk about the what you can do now and in the future. You have to adapt. This hobby wasn't built on plug and play FTA receivers and now we are coming back into a period that will take just a little more time, effort, and knowledge to get your free TV fix.

Can I get my channels back?
Yes. There are several devices that will allow you to get your channels back now and more will be appearing in the future. These devices use cardsharing.

What is cardsharing?
Cardsharing is just what it sounds like. It is the sharing out of a subscribed card or cards to multiple set top boxes. It's also known in FTA circles as "IKS".

Is IKS / Cardsharing safe?
No. Nothing in this hobby is "safe". You are stealing pay tv. Cardsharing requires a constant internet connection to work. This constant connection could expose your identity. There are some ways to protect yourself. Also private share groups are starting to pop up. Read in the forums for more info.

Can I get PPV / Events / Porn with cardsharing / IKS?
Maybe. Some progress has been made along that front. Several devices have had porn up and running. PPV and events will "sometimes" work, depending on if the subscribed card has purchased the event.

Will my Viewsat, Coolsat, Pansat, etc, ever work again?

First off, it does still work for it's intended use which is true unencrypted FTA satellite channels. There are quite a few of them out there. Check the True FTA Forum for more info on that aspect.

Secondly, many of these manufacturers are scrambling to add an external device that will enable cardsharing / IKS on these boxes. Sonicview has released the IHub - others that wish to stay in business will probably follow suit.

Lastly, there could be a hack of the G3 cards that would allow FTA to work as they once did. The G3 cards are the most secure cards that Nagravision has produced and it doesn't appear that any hack is immenant. Of course, as in the past, this could change and old devices could be right back up and running. We just have to wait and see.

What about Atmega and Armulator?Same story for these as well. If a hack comes they will most likely be up and running again, but there is no solution for them at this time.

Ok, I wanna keep playing. What devices are working on N3?
This list could change at any time. Servers go up and down, and reliability isn't perfect. New devices will be coming to market in the next few months. Do your research before buying new hardware.

FTA Receivers
Captiveworks - CW3000/4000 cardsharing is up and working via RQ IKS. Known servers are private at this time. Other models being added.
Captain - Has IKS hardware, but is currently unsupported and pretty much dead.

I-Link - Same hardware as CNX. Runs different software and has an external ethernet adapter for IKS. Most Dish channels up and running on public server. Porn maybe.

Linux FTA - Triple Dragon and Dreamboxes are up and running on private servers with RQ IKS.
nFusion - Probably the most reliable IKS FTA box. Has been down at times though. All nFusion models are up and working on most Dish and Bev channels.

PCI DVB Cards - up and running on private servers with RQ IKS.

Sonicview - New IHub IKS device released. Will use public servers. Working?

Echostar Receivers
Slinger- New cardshare device. Working pretty decently now with good channel lineup on BEV and Dish. Downsides are that it is expensive and has suffered from minor freezing at times. Must learn a little about the jtagging and TSOP flashing of Echostar receivers. ALso capable of private client/servers.

AVR Device - Old AVR devices are up and working using Raton's N3 card sharing or RQ IKS server / client. Both working good, but the downside is you have to setup your own server or find a private server. Also requires dedicated PC and learning curve is pretty steep.
Hi,thanks for accepted me.I have a captive works 800 s, around sep/08 never had trouble but today its completed out.I looked at menu in system setting and in OSD part don't see autoroll only appears time display format what can i do for.Thanks again